Wednesday, 17 October 2007


This Amazing tree is close by and i'd never even heard of it. It's again a yew tree though not as old as the previous one, but still a few thousand years i'd say...........I don't know the history of the pulpit but looking at how the hand rail is embedded it's been there for quite sometime.

The photos can't do it justice, it sit's in it's place perfectly......And i can't help but ponder about the first vicar / priest to do a sermon from it, why? whose idea? it really was a statement the christian preacher preaching from on this very pagan spot, from in it in fact Hhhmmmmmm it makes you think!!!!

The atmosphere in it is benevolent on a sunny morning.... i wouldn't be tempted there on a dark night though.................


snailbeachshepherdess said...

What an amazing idea for a pulpit.
I bet the sermons were hell fire and brimstone!

Chris Stovell said...

Well done for finding that - fascinating, but quite eerie in a way.

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Bearing in mind the fate of St Bonmiface ( who tried to convert the tree worshiping pagans to christianity by cutting down trees and had his head cut off for his misguided efforts)I hope this one didnt lose his head!

Pondside said...

Beautiful image - love the thought of a sermon from a tree - but no fire and brimstone, just love and good common sense, please!

Casdok said...

Wow it is amazing!