Wednesday 13 June 2007

Rowan,,, Mountain ash..

The influential energy of rowan provides protective help and an increase in phychic abilities. Rowan twigs have been used throughout the ages as a protection against evil and enchantments.
It strengthens your personal power so that you can withstand any psycic attack.
The rowen is connected with the festival of imbolc which is associated with the goddess bridget who kindles the divine fire of inspiration and visions and represents the rebirth of the spirit.


Anonymous said...

This sounds fascinating. Crystal x

Chris Stovell said...

I assume it's not okay to break a twig off 'cos i feel a couple of rowan twigs about my person would be very handy... guess you have to look for fallen ones.

Suffolkmum said...

I really, really love Rowan, have ever since I was little. Sucha magical tree. We planted one at the front of the cottage when we moved here.

countrymousie said...

I have several Rowan trees in plantings on the farm. I love them - GOH says they are not very Suffolk!

Norma Murray said...

What ever happens you should never burn wood from a rowan tree. have one by your door and it wards off evil, or so my Scottish grandmother used to say.