Tuesday, 3 July 2007


This is our boundary Beech, it's about 3 hugs around at the bottom, it reminds me of a creature from greek mytholodgy..I use the beech mast in christmas pot pourri.
If the beech show's a large bud at christmas [it did] there will probably be a moist summer to follow. [there is]
The beech has a gentle but very strong spirit offering protection and love, a tree to sit under and commune with when your heart is sore........


Frances said...

Hello Jo,
Another beauty of a tree. When I was walking around Central Park today, I kept a sharp eye out for a tree to capture with my camera so I could show it to you.
Saw some possibles, but not quite up to what you have shown us.

Bluestocking Mum said...

How lovely. Love the sound of being 3 hugs around the bottom. I wonder how many our oak is...

warm wishes

Anonymous said...

I love the thought of the beech having a spirit which offers protection, perhaps similar to a guardian angel?
Crystal x